202 Masalin Road
Lincolnville, ME 04849

44° 19.6' N, 69° 6.2' W
Google Maps

Be careful when using a GPS: Masalin Road is split in half and it takes at least fifteen minutes to get to us if you find yourself on the wrong end. You want the section that is near Route 52, not the end near Route 173.

From Boston and other points South, come up Route 95 to Portland and get on Route 295. You can get off 295 in Brunswick and follow Route 1 to Camden, which works well except during the peak travel months. Or take Route 295 up to Gardiner (just south of Augusta) and come in the back way via Routes 17 and 235.

From the North you come down to Belfast and get on Route 52.


From Camden:

From the South via Route 1 and Camden: From the South via Gardiner: From Augusta: From Belfast: From Bangor International Airport: From Bar Harbor and Northern Route 1: